No time to blog these few days, I have 2 major projects on hand and they are all due this week!! God help me~~ One of them was an ongoing project, so I'm not complaining about the deadline, but the other was just given to me last friday, with clear instructions only coming in this monday.. die..
In addition to that, a dear friend of mine is having some problems.. I hope that she will be able to resolve the issues, but in order to cheer her up, I'm going to incur the wrath of my boss and leave early today (left at 11 last nite). My priorities are right, friends and family are more important than work.
Talking about my boss, she really made my blood boil.. Ah Dear was sick on monday, he had an asthma attack and had to stay home to rest. Of course I'm worried about him and so I left at 7 on monday, guess what she told me yesterday morning??! I'm not married yet, so I should leave the care of my bf to his mum!
What the fuck?! I felt like just fucking her off. Just because I'm not married does not mean I do not care for my bf, and it's not as if he had a small cut or something, it's a asthma attack lor! Fuck, I have my priorities straight, work is never THAT IMPORTANT, taking care of the people around me is much more important.
Today I'm going to be lazy and post up comments that were posted in reply to my posts on GE.
(On GRC system)
the grc system effectively prevents the opposition from contesting the elections. with the deposit per person per team going at 30k... a 5 member grc will have to put up a bond of 150k just to contest.
if they don't get 1/8 the votes, they'll have that entire bond forfeited. how does the opposition contest, when there's a law that states that they cannot get more than 5k in donations a year?
if you didn't realise, in the last general elections, gct said that wards that voted for the opposition would be placed lowest in priority on the upgrading list. nevermind that. at the 11th hour he said that it would selectively affect individual clusters of blocks of 5000 people. if you didn't realise it already, they can easily trace right down to the percentage that a block votes pap/opposition.
indeed, nowonder the us state department has condemned the usage of such 'threats' to coerce voters. and indeed, freedom house reports that singaporeans cannot democratically change their government. its very sad that you get caught up in the rhetoric of this nonsense all.
oh ya, if you didn't realise, the elections department works right out of the prime minister's office. watch as they start redrawing the electoral districts again when the next elections come. wonderful gerrymandering. oh ya, better check if your name is on the voting registrar. if not, you cannot vote.
go do research on the country you call singapore. you'll find that it really isn't what it proclaims to be. -Anonymous
The PAP will not win in a fair election which explains why there are so many unreasonable rules and regulations to retard the growth of the Opposition.
The GRC system is good for Singapore because it ensure that the minority racial communities are being represented in Parliament. Unfortunately, it has been abused by the PAP to win in an election. -Anonymous
(On Elections Deposit)
The election deposit per candidate irrespective of whether they stand alone in a SMC or as a member in a team is $13,500. For a 6 member ward like Sembawang or Tanjong Pagar that means a combined $81,000. It begets the question is an election deposit the best way to ensure only serious candidates take part? There were a couple who stood the last time around in 2001 who while able to fork out that amount certainly did not come across as "serious" or "non-frivolous". Folks like Tan Lead Shake and Tan Soo Phuan for instance. Instead of an election deposit, perhaps a mandatory collection of 1/6 of signatures (supporting one's candidacy) of an electoral division's total electorate is a better guarantee.
Such a requirement will put off or scare off those publicity seekers affording the voters candidates who are ready to go the extra mile. I mean if you are genuinely interested in serving a ward's constituents what is going to markets, town centers, interchanges, door-to-door, etc or set up booths to do so to collect a mere 1/6 signatures from the ward's total electorate? -Anonymous
for "serious candidates only"
so all the sued, bankrupted, broken opposition who have no permits to speak in public, address rallies or to even have their books on sale in borders in singapore can't take part.
which one you want? stand for elections and lose 150,000 or don't stand at all go and buy car feed the family?
broke... totally broke. how to stand for election?
every single problem that is inherently political and social in singapore is often presented as an economic problem, thereby requiring economic solutions.
lky himself declares that he doesn't care what int'l org say about freedom of press.. freedom of speech.. he tells us to look at the gold.. look at the economic progress.. the standard of living.. the money we have.. how far we've come.
it'll be a very sad that when all singaporeans sing this tune. that we believe that we can solve all our problems by throwing more money or taking away cash from it.
taxi drive no good? let's tip him then!
nkf management no good? don't donate then!
bus service so slow? why I pay so much for busfare
starbucks got free coffee.. better go.. no need to donate
upgrade lah! flat can sell better value mah!
today.. the only things that make us singaporean.. are friends, family, food, (the three F's) and our car, our house, our education and our bank account. seems like we really don't know what the real world out there is really really like.
by election is a farce. since jbj won anson in 1981, they stopped having it.
singapore is easy. nominations day allows the pap to win even before the first vote is cast. walkover everywhere! elections department works out of prime minster's office leh! don't pray pray hor!
it seems that "too much democracy is no good for singapore". either because we'll end up like the philippines or indonesia. gct won 61% the popular vote in 1997, but swept 80 out of 81 seats. thanks to walkovers aplenty. can't we be like hong kong? progressive democracy? -Anonymous
(On the GE results)
The 66.6% mandate Mr. Lee HL received is from 56% of registered voter.
The 44% of registered voters do not get a chance to poll because of the GRC polling system.
With current political environment in Singapore, Any GRC requires 6 members mostly likely limiting opportunity for opposition parties to join future polling.
Let examine GRC background information, GRC is proposed by election office which come under Prime Minister Office, i.e. the GRC proposal come under Mr. Lee HL perview, PAP's success % should have been studied before release the plan.
I believe people in Singapore and international all heard of , MR.Lee and his father repeatedly mentioned, it is not of PAP interest to help Singapore opposition to survival.
Mr. Lee does not hide his burning desire to reclaim back the 2 opposition consitutes,
The two constitutes are leading by WP and MR. Chiam. The polling results show they are receiving higher mandata from the people than Mr.Lee, if taking consideration the obsticles planted by PAP to slow their advancement.
Seeing the evidents that the Government under PAP using all possible means (Government Ministries, Grassroot organsiations) to give difficulties to opposition from day one when WP and Mr. Chiam won the two consitutes from PAP.
The evident is, promising of infrastructure projects using PAP name, in fact, these projects are already under planning for.
Another evident is PAP candidates dingles these project as carrot to the voter, if voters execrising their right and no to PAP favour, the projects will be downgraded and delayed, without concerning to people right of enjoy qualiy of life they deserve by paying tax to support PAP Government.
Mr.Lee called for joining hand after election but at the time make no execurse to employ sinful flat upgrading strategies that resulted in dividing peoples of this small country.
How could a divided nation stand up to external threat, this is a question that does no seen to bother PAP and PAP controlled Government.
Mr.Lee openly defends PAP controlled Government has implictly right to allocate lessen priority to people staying in opposition consititues. To the extent of totally denying funding being allocated to opposition MP for carrying essential lift upgrad. Estimating 180 million being held up by PAP Government.
Lift upgrading, many have considered a major need as the population aging,i.e. Accessibiliy to overcome inability. Having a lift stop at every floor can determine significantly in ones quality of life for older citizen.
Housing has been a significant contribution by PAP Government. However, people began to realise these flats built by PAP Government is unser un-friend to older citizens.
PAP's ministers, instead of, serious in solving need for older citizen's need, PAP hijacks the opportunity of patching up design deficiency, and use for PAP, a political parity, carrot to swing vote during every election.
Mr. Lee HL, in his victory speach, show highly concern to win back oppisition constitutes comparing to the desire to address previailing higher cost of living and a very positive voicing for wanting opposition voice within Singapore democracy system.
Mr. Lee stresed for a 100% win result(with 0 opposition).
Many have taken to surprised by Mr. Lee said his will unable to function suppose there are more and more opposition opinions in the partliament, he will then need to spend more time to "fix" the opposition voices than focusing on real job. Such is the kind of working mode of Mr.Lee, revealed by him during a rally staged at business district.
Although, the polling has over. PAP's attempt to criple our democracy system will start on day one of their next 5 years term.
Do you feel hopeless after 6may2006? -Anomynous
im very disturb that i cant get to sleep. i already halfway give up on this country. The $ mind of $ingaporeans will make kill singapore in the future. I spoke to jbj last and got his book and he say sinkies are too comfotable in their lifes right now to think of freedom and expression. As long as there is money and everything is ok, they happy with it. Thats why you see the arts/music community here has difficulty stepping forward.
The $ mindset is also the reason why a lot people get degrees, become doctor not because of interest. How many people we see working in jobs unrelated to their studies? From young we are brainwash to study and get degree cause we will earn a lot of money. we dun dare to speak up or do things we like. we dun feel proud being singaporean. even when we are in army unform we dun get the respect from people. Actually i feel digusted to be in one during my NS unlike the US or other countries. It will get worse if things dun change. fransis seiow, tang liang hong were banish because they dare to speak up and challage the govt ....... thru elections.
i really dun dare to tink 20 years down the road ...maybe 10 years this place will turn out. with china catching up with economically, $inkies may find themself sinking . yes thats how bad i feel about sg now and im planning to earn as much money and move oversea to aus or thailand. 2 to 3 k per month and our cpf is just enough to cover our flat when we reach 40 plus. by them how? will we be working in burger king cause we dun belong the higher pyramid . Only the rich will enjoy staying here.
My ducth friend told me he was disturb to see old man and woman working in food courts and fast food outlets, clearing the plates left over by teenagers. getting agetting arrest over a forms. im really disturb - Keith
Last but not least..
Please spread around this. Contribute to the WP for their future election. $20 per year and it will go a long way

Wednesday, May 10, 2006
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