He was a lovely little boy, with big eyes and fair skin.. everyone jus went ooo ahh when they see this lovely cute little baby boy..
he grew up like all little babies do and became this cute little boy that runs around, playing tricks on other people.. but one look at his innocent face and beautiful eyes, all will be forgiven..
soon this little boy grew up to become a guy.. a cute guy at that.. a cute teenager who swooned many off their feet..
so now, who is this guy i'm talking about..
.. .. it's none other than Prince William!! Prince of Wales, next in throne!!

(isn't he cute?!)
Happy Birthday William!!
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to William, Happy Birthday to you!!!!
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eh eh.. i'm not done yet, scroll down somemore
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But 23 years ago on this very same day, another very cute and lovely baby boy was born.. jus like William, he's fair with big eyes and fair skin.. he grew up to be as sauve as William and he had blue eyes the first time i saw him *gasp* but he's not angmo, jus wearing blue contacts :p still that threw me off my books..
on top of looking jus great, he's sweet as candy, loving as a puppy, cute as a kitten and jus jus so huggable and lovable..
but best of all, he's my boyfriend :) my Jason, my dearie dear²..
He's almost as tall as Prince William oki :p and he really looks tall next to me (i'm a pixie *winkz*)
Happy Birthday Dear²!!!
here's my dearie with the flowers i gave him on his chinese birthday.. (tips:: girls, buy ur man some flowers, guys jus dig receving flowers.. hor dear :p )
(That's dearie's fav sunflower, bright and sunny jus like him)
My dearie loves to swim, that's why gettin more tan, especially when he's next to me.. one white one black :p
and very very happy today, coz it's our 5th monthsary!!
So it's double celebrations today!!!
such a happy occassion calls for a .. .. ..
.. .. collage!!!
Happy Birthday to you!!
Happy Birthday to you!!
Happy Birthday to Jason!!
Happy Birthday to you!!!
*muaaah* *muaah* *muaah*
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